Post installation anchoring or alternatives to drilling and dowels

50% faster than doweling

Preserve concrete integrity (no hole)

Improved Safety for personnel
C-BLOCK™ is extremely attractive to secure planning and costs
associated to post-installation anchoring
on reinforced concrete
Mechanical Department Manager with a Civil Engineering Contractor

What is at stake ?
Imagine that you need to connect an electrical box or pipe support onto concrete walls of a civil engineering structure. It looks easy : you just need to drill a hole, place a dowel and drive a screw …
Well…. One of the issue with drilling is the risk of interferences with embedded items such as rebars, cables or piping. To make sure that the drill bit will not clash with the steel reinforcement, you may have to scan the concrete surface to detect the rebars, and of course, it will show clashes!
In addition to being time consuming, these operations can present a risk for the structure but also for the personnel.
Where can we help ?
At Cold Pad we just got rid of drilling a hole and we can provide our solutions for both temporary and permanent fastening applications during construction, maintenance and modifications. This includes lifting padeyes, fastening of scaffolding, and post installation anchoring for outfitting and way more…
For example for scaffolding inside a power plant, our solution allows a 50% time saving for both the installation and removal compared to standard dowels while being 35% cheaper : see business case.

How does it work ?
Our product is called C-BLOCK™, it is a game changer : it is a non-intrusive mechanical fastener this means we can install and also uninstall fasteners, leaving the surface intact with no hole. Our fasteners are adhesively bonded and installed with a process controlled power tool for repeatability and traceability.
Its unique and patented composite core provides an antiseismic behaviour (ie : residual mechanical capacity after crack occurrence). Let’s take the example of a scaffolding activity in an operating nuclear power plant.
Our Value proposition is to install it twice faster and 35% cheaper than with conventional dowels. That time saving is also important for the safety of the personnel who will be less exposed to radioactivity, just because it takes less time on station.
After 12 years inside a Nuclear Power plant, C-BLOCK would have facilitated my life so many times and in many situations
Head of the Static Machinery and Valves department in a South of France Power Plant